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Privacy policy

Registry Description According to the Personal Data Act (523/99) Section 10

1. Data Controller

Kiinteistöosakeyhtiö Lielahtikeskus (Business ID 2489186-4) / Kauppakeskus Like
Antti Possin kuja 1
33400 Tampere

2. Registry Matters

The management of Kauppakeskus Like is responsible for registry matters.

3. Name of the Register

Marketing Register of Kauppakeskus Like.

4. Purpose of Processing Personal Data

Personal data is collected, processed, and used by Kauppakeskus Like for managing customer relationships, providing services, maintaining services, direct marketing, remote sales, and customer communications. Additionally, the data may be used for statistical purposes and for the development of services provided by Kauppakeskus Like.

5. Contents of the Register

The register may contain the following categories of information about customers:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Postal Code
  • Email Address
  • Mobile Phone Number
  • Company and Position
  • Company’s Address Information


6. Regular Sources of Information

Personal data is collected and processed from customers of Kauppakeskus Like who provide their personal information during registration on the internet service, via text messages, or in other ways.

The regular source of information for the register is data collected from the customers themselves. Information is gathered from customers when registering as a user and throughout the duration of the customer relationship. Personal data may also be collected through Kauppakeskus Like’s websites and using forms in electronic or non-electronic formats (for example, feedback and order forms) and by phone. The Population Information System may also be used to update personal data, and for forming marketing target groups, the Vehicle Information System or other public registers may also be utilized. The following information may be recorded about customers: name and date of birth, address, phone and email details, mobile phone operator details, mobile phone model details, occupation information, identification details such as password (GSM number) and username, service usage termination details, interest data for marketing profiling, and any potential prohibitions on direct marketing.

7. Regular Disclosures of Information

Personal data may be disclosed to third parties located within the European Union, such as partners of Kauppakeskus Like, companies providing services possibly ordered by the customer, and authorities. Data may be disclosed for the delivery of goods and services or to fulfill an agreement between Kauppakeskus Like and the customer, as well as for direct marketing and remote sales. Personal data will not be disclosed to third parties without the explicit consent of the concerned party, except for the purposes mentioned above, unless otherwise required by legislation.

8. Deletion of Data

Data may be deleted at the request of the customer or due to the termination of the customer relationship.

9. Principles of Data Protection

The customer register of the service is maintained as a technical record by the data controller or a party authorized by them. The data system is protected using appropriate technical safeguards against external data breaches. Only individuals whose job description includes the use of the register have access to it. Access to the register is monitored through individual usernames and passwords.

10. Right to Object

The customer has the right under the Personal Data Act to check their registered information and to refuse the processing and disclosure of their data for direct marketing and remote sales purposes.

The customer has the right to request access to their electronically stored information. The data controller may charge a reasonable fee to cover the immediate costs arising from providing the information if less than one year has passed since the customer last received their stored information for review.